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  • Use of website services

Collected personal information will not be used for other purposes. If there is a change in the purpose for which your personal information is used, we will inform you in advance and seek your consent.

[Items of Personal Information Collected]

  • Required items: Name, media outlet, email

[Retention and Use Period of Personal Information]

  • In principle, a user’s personal information is destroyed without delay when the purpose of its collection has been achieved.
    However, the following information will be retained for a specified period for the reasons specified below.

[Users’ Personal Information]

  • Items to be retained: name, media, email, cell phone number, comment
  • Retention period: 2 years from the application date
  • Grounds: Data collection with the consent of information subjects

[User’s Right to Decline to Consent, and Resulting Disadvantages]

  • Users have the right to disallow the collection of their personal information by the City of Suwon. However, this may subject the user to restriction in the use of the service.